The Hen Harrier Diaries

Welcome to the third installment of The Hen Harrier Diaries.
Since our last update the majority of our six pairs are still going strong, Our pairs have been extremely busy providing food for their young nestlings.
Pair 1. Heather's Mom and Dad. This pair chose to nest in close proximity to a young sitka spruce plantation, it really is a precarious location with lots of predators in the vicinity. Last week one of our volunteers witnessed the Male attempt to expel two Ravens for a full hour, the Ravens were dangerously close to his nest, in the end the persistent Male won the day. Lets hope this pair have fledged chicks for the next update.
Pair 2. The Neighbours. Unfortunately the pair decided not to nest in the area this year, we hope they are safe and have a successful breeding attempt.
Pair 3. Both Male and Female are now busy providing food for their young nestlings.The variety of prey the Female has been returning with has just been amazing, from Lizards to small Mammals, Frogs and small Birds it has been remarkable to watch.They have also had the company of a young Female over the last few days, she is also keeping a close eye on the chicks.Their nest is also in a hazardous location, hopefully they can be successful rearing their young nestlings
Pair 4. This pair are also safe and sound. The Male and Female are working vigorously providing for their young. The Male is especially diligent in his hunting, hunting from dawn till dusk, one evening returning with food so late he was guided by the light of a beautiful full moon.
Pair 5. The glen nesters. The professionals have yet again been impressive in their breeding attempt , they have two beautiful chicks, Mom and Dad are now encouraging their chicks to fly, they are no longer dropping food into the nest but are forcing the chicks to fly to receive the food, it was incredible to witness these young Birds take their first flight.While they are nearly fledged they are still not out of danger, fingers crossed they remain safe over the next couple of weeks.
Pair 6. New Kids on the block. Penny and her charming Male have been kept extremely busy over the last few weeks, they have three nearly fledged chicks,some of the chicks are now dispersed around the surrounding area of the nest, only returning when Mom or Dad return with food, Penny really is an adoring Mom tending the chicks every need, returning the other day with a big Rat to the delight of her young chicks. Hopefully all her chicks will fledge soon and take their first flight. The world is their oyster.
Stay tuned for further updates
Bye for now
Hen Harrier Ireland