A young female harrier from Scotland has been satellite tracked to Ireland |
Heather and Miranda 14 October 2013 |
Over the years, as part of the Irish Hen Harrier Winter Survey, we have had records of Hen Harriers coming in from the Irish Sea and also travelling out across the Irish Sea. Some young harriers that we wing tagged here in Ireland have been found in Britain. However, this new development is very exciting! We have a satellite tagged Hen Harrier from Scotland among us in Ireland tonight! This young female, named Miranda, was born in the south west of Scotland and has already been blazing a trail in her native country, before visiting the Isle of Man on her way to Ireland! See
http://langholmmoorland.blogspot.co.uk/ for details on this extraordinary bird.
In October 2010, a satellite tagged young male from Scotland visited Ireland, but only very briefly before returning to Scotland again. See
http://www.roydennis.org/animals/raptors/hen-harrier/satellite-tracking/glen-2010-2011/ for information on this individual.
This information is invaluable in showing the links that exist between Britain and Ireland in terms of our Hen Harrier populations. In a nutshell, what happens over there can influence the population here and what happens here, can influence the poulation over there! It is noteworthy that all 7 Hen Harriers satellite tagged in Britain this year are doing fine, whereas Heather is the only one of 9 Hen Harriers satellite tagged in Ireland to have made it to 100 days of age.
It will be fascinating to see where Miranda goes next. Will she by any chance meet up with Heather, who is evidently happy to stay in South Cork?! Only time will tell, stay tuned, there may well be a Scottish Hen Harrier coming to a roost near you!
Miranda being carefully fitted with her satellite tag by Stephen Murphy in Scotland who also fitted Heather with her sat tag in Ireland |